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Screenings are offered to identify potential speech and/or language deficits.

Screening procedures include observations, informal data collection, time to screen and review results with the client's parent/guardian to determine if further evaluation is recommended.


Evaluations include assessment administration, scoring, interpretation, and a written report.

If your child has been evaluated within the past year, the cost of the evaluation may be waived
Individual Therapy

50 minute sessions 

25 minute sessions 


Therapy sessions are available in person or via tele-practice

Helping Your Child Grow

Speech therapy at Blooming Communicators can help your child grow in the following areas:

Intelligibility/Speech Sounds

Is your child's speech hard to understand? Difficulty with intelligibility (speech clarity) may be caused by one or many reasons. Depending on the reason, if it’s treated using the wrong approach, progress will be slow or even stagnant!


At Blooming Communicators, we provide skilled therapy to address the reasons why your child might have difficulty being understood:

  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech

    • Ms. Crystal is listed on the Apraxia Kids Directory as a skilled provider in assessing and treating Childhood Apraxia of Speech.

  • Phonological Disorders

  • Articulation Disorders


Ms. Crystal provides a detailed and thorough assessment to determine the true nature of your child’s difficulty with speaking clearly. 

Early Language/Early Intervention 

Do you feel like your child might be delayed in reaching their communication milestones


Getting started with early intervention sessions at Blooming Communicators can provide the boost your child needs to start communicating with their first words.


Parent participation is always welcome in speech therapy and is encouraged to help you learn strategies for continuing to  develop your child's communication skills long after the therapy session has ended.


Blooming Communicators is a proud partner of Inland Regional Center and provides services for Early Start families. For more information, click here!

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